Passion and enthusiasm, pure love between men, not all about sexual orientation but of the deepest emotions to share, to love with brotherly love under heaven.

DISCLAIMER: youdude is a photo blog, created for admiration of sexy men, it doesn't matter which sexual orientation you belong, this blog is rated 18+ and you must be a young adults with a valid Google+ID or any other profiles to visit this blog. To advertise on this platform, send an email to
Saturday, 30 July 2016
YDA presents: IU by raw passion
Passion and enthusiasm, pure love between men, not all about sexual orientation but of the deepest emotions to share, to love with brotherly love under heaven.
Friday, 29 July 2016
Can't believe this, Tanzanian government bans lubricant in bit to 'cub homosexuality
Hello folks, Africans are just so backward, issues like this is just so invalid and stupid, Tanzanian government bans all kinds of lubrication products with the aim of cubing homosexuality, the East African country made this thread known to the media a few hours ago, but can this really helps? Because heterosexuals are lubricant users too.
Thursday, 28 July 2016
Hello folks, set urself free if u are currently confused about ur lives and sexualities
Confusion can be ugly, it brings hate and mental illness, if u hate gay people, then u maybe in a confusing state of mind, confusing about who u are, or ur sexuality can be dangerous without control, so get out of the box and set urself free, have a great weekend folks
Good morning Africa, is a brilliant and handsome day
Hello Africa it a brighter weekend, what ever happen to day, just don't worry just be happy, because the day is bright and gay, what so ever u be, be a good one
Hello folks, here are all male, all lovers
Sometimes the side chick isn't a chick, but a handsome niggar with a huge dick, is anything wrong with that?
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